physiotherapists will apply for the development of the law which recognizes the specialties in physical therapy

-Following a meeting between the General Council of physiotherapists colleges, Spain, the Spanish Association of physiotherapists and the National Conference of Directors of university schools of physical therapy

Madrid, February 2012.- the General Council of schools of physiotherapists of Spain (CGCFE), the Association of physiotherapists (AEF) and the National Conference of Directors of university schools of physiotherapy have coincided in the need of request to the Ministry of health, Social Affairs and equal development of the law of management of the health professions (LOPS) which recognized specialties in physical therapy.

At a meeting of the chairs and technical committees of the three entities, the future model of specialties has been discussed and it has stressed the need that the physiotherapist to enjoy full professional independence, collected in order CIN 2135/08, which lays down the requirements for the verification of the official titles that enable for the exercise of the profession of physiotherapist, and that in view of these entities are of a poor ” development in the public sector.

On the model chosen, the principles of sustainability of the system, must take precedence that all professional organizations support ”, as said the President of the CGCFE, José Antonio Martín Urrialde, who has valued this meeting, as staged the unity of action ” of Spanish physiotherapy in this project.

The Chairperson of the AEF, Dr. Gomez Conesa as the Vice-President of CNDEUF, Dr. Gutiérrez Nieto, have pointed out as necessary factors development of the LOPS, modification of the academic system, with the rank and the access to the PhD degree, as well as the adequacy to the jurisdiction established by the Bologna processthat impose full professional autonomy.

In addition, have deemed it necessary to facilitate the free transit through the European Community, for those professionals who wish to develop their work in EU countries and the increase in the level of professional competitiveness, reinforcing the principle of sustainability of the health system.

Also, the three entities relied on finding of the Minister of health, Social Affairs and equality, Ana Mato, best receptivity to this request ”, as well as the necessary cooperation of the political actors, if really want a fair and effective system ”, as highlighted Martin Urrialde.


The General Council of physiotherapists schools of Spain (CGCFE) is the body representing more than 40,000 physiotherapists, in Spain, working with the common goal of promoting the health of citizens. In addition, orders the profession, guardianship the interests of physiotherapy, as well as its optimal implementation and universalization.

Physiotherapists are health professionals, as provided for in the existing legislation, accredited with the University degree in physical therapy, taught at 43 universities and possessors of knowledge and skills to benefit the health of the population. Furthermore, there is a greater number of doctorates and mastersthat ensure their high qualifications