Juegaterapia donates computers, consoles and toys to the Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa.

donation to the Paediatrics Service.

-Alvin and the Chipmunks were that aroused greater interest among children in the Hospital.

Madrid, June of 2012. Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa de Leganés, attached to the hospital network of the community of Madrid, has received a major donation from the Juegaterapia NGOs that made children’s delight of the children in the service of Pediatrics computers and consoles with numerous games will remain in the Center so that children can make more enjoyable your stay. But that made the delight of children were pictures of Alvin and the Chipmunks toys of great size that were placed on the floor of Pediatrics and emergency.

The Hospital’s Medical Director, Dr. Domingo del Cacho, and the Chief of service of Pediatrics, DRA. Mª Luz García García, Esther Juegaterapia Pereira thanked this donation that allows a greater entertainment children admitted to the Centre.

Esther Pereira, representante de Juegaterpia, flanqueada por la Jefe de Servicio de Pediatría y el Director Médico del Centro, personal del Servicio, acompañados todos ellos por las Ardillas

En total han sido 5 ordenadores infantiles los que se repartirán por la planta de Pediatría, cinco consolas para los más mayores que se instalarán en cinco habitaciones de la planta y otras dos consolas más that it will be located in day Hospital, Pediatrics. This space often remain children attending the Center for special testing.

In addition to this material, Juegaterapia delivered the promotional dolls of the last animation of Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. These cute dolls have traveled by various cinemas and stores promoting his film, as the stars that are, and will now rest permanently in the emergency room waiting room, pediatric emergency facilities and plant of Pediatrics.