throughout the years, female beauty has been raising new challenges. One of them has focused on the need to remove the beautiful body and facial.

On this subject have suggested a large number of options, which were refined and changing with the passage of time.

Depilation with hot wax is

one of the more traditional methods. They consist in applying a wax band previously melted with a heat source, sliding in sense that hair and removing a pull in the opposite direction.

With time this type of process was refined, on the one hand we planned how to wax a bar, which is subject to a voluntary source of heat, therefore only melting wax that will be used, without waste or excessive use of the same.

Another way, is the remove hair dryer, individually with tiny hand clip. However, this option applies only to small areas, as it is the case of the face, eyebrows, and the rest of the face.

Is one of the most advanced techniques of laser hair removal, which is determined on the basis of the selection of an area determined to try, within which is chosen with a caliper hair to hair, and is a download small level laser, reaching the follicle bulb and eliminating him.