Studies say that the charcoal or dry heat roast food increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. Seems that the dry heat on food creates a compound that promotes weight gain.

Bad news to all lovers of roasts, however it is important to take into account the recommendations of scientists but we want to end up with health problems in the long term. It is better the healthy foods, but you need to know to choose it.

studies were published by the University of Sinai, where he revealed that the heat on foods tends to produce two harmful compounds in the human metabolism. These are the methyl glyoxal (MG) and an advanced type of glicato (AGE), the which inhibit the body mechanisms to control the inflammation. Without these mechanisms, the body is defenseless against diseases such as diabetes.

Information obtained by a study that it consisted of two groups of lab rats. The first were fed food with high levels of MG and the second group of rats a diet without MG.

With a high level of MG rats developed a resistance to insulin and increased their body fat, while the other group of mice did not show any change. Professor Helen Vlassara says that continuous intake of grilled food, tends to reduce the body’s defenses and undertake resistance to diseases.

The team had made recommendations to people who change their methods of cooking for a healthier, as boil or cook with steam. So that if they want to have a healthier life, it will be better that they are forgetting those roasted rich, or at least not make them so followed by. [vevents]