laser Lipolight inaugurates its new consultation in Madrid.

-Dr. Francesco Mancini, head of the medical team of Lipolight, presented the new clinic attendees

Madrid, 2011-February Lipolight laser has officially opened the Lipolight consultation in the Centre of medicine esthetic Silene da Rocha, located in calle Quintana 3, semiesquina with the Princess Street in Madrid. This query joins the other two Lipolight laser already has in the capital, and also has provided new openings coming soon.

According to Dr. Francesco Mancini, head of the medical team of Lipolight, new Lipolight consultation is available to all their patients and in the heart of Madrid the method by which more and more people choose to remodel your figure in full ”.

from left to right: love Alonso (Lipolight), Pilar Castro, Silene da Rocha, Francesco Mancini, Toni Acosta and Candela Peña.

Lipolight laser is the method of modeling large or small parts of the body you want to try a more precise way, destroying the fat in a uniform way and reaching areas where previously impossible to access, with a few optimal aesthetic results and a very speedy recovery. In addition, the reduction in volume is accompanied by a lifting effect due to the regeneration of collagen to produce exclusive Lipolight diode lasers.

His speech is only performed by plastic surgeons at a prestigious hospital and also practiced with anesthesia or sedation local area to be treated. The result is definitive, because it eliminates the number of fat cells without the possibility of forming again.

The success of Lipolight laser is professionals in medicine and cosmetic surgery that are available. Experts monitored the patient’s condition and its evolution from the moment they arrive to consultation until finished in treatment.

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