Luisa Fernanda Rudi met with the Chairman of the WTO.

-In the meeting participated the Counselor of health, Social Welfare and family, Ricardo Olivan

-the Presidents of colleges of physicians of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel, and Vice President, and Secretary general of the WTO, have formed part of the medical delegation

-the situation of public health has set the meeting agenda

-Juan José Rodríguez Sendín has expressed the commitment of the professionals for the sustainability of the SNS

– has been delivered to the President Luisa Fernanda Rudi a document of proposals for health reform

Zaragoza, January 2013.- the President of Aragon, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, has maintained on Tuesday a meeting with a delegation of the Spanish Medical Association (WTO), headed by its President, Juan José Rodríguez Sendín, and by the President of the Regional Council of medical colleges of Aragon, Enrique de la Figuera, which have addressed the situation of public health in Spain and, in particular, in this autonomous community.

At the meeting, held at the headquarters of the Presidency of Aragon, they have participated also the Counselor of health, Social Welfare and family, Ricardo Oliván; the Vice President and the Secretary general of the WTO, Ricard Gutiérrez and Serafin Romero, respectively; the Presidents of colleges of physicians of Huesca and Teruel, José Ignacio Dominguez Torres, and Ismael Sánchez Hernandez; and the Secretary of the College of physicians of Zaragoza, Ángel Jimeno.

This meeting is part of the round of meetings the WTO has been maintaining in recent months with the Chairmen of autonomous communities and policy makers to discuss the difficult situation which is going through the SNS to the economic crisis. The Chairman of the WTO met in December with the Presidents of Galicia, Alberto Nuñez Feijoo, and Castilla y León, Juan Vicente Herrera.

In meeting with Luisa Fernanda Rudi, President of the WTO has addressed the situation of the SNS, as well as the forms and consequences of the cuts have been implemented in the different autonomous communities, cuts, as explained Juan José Rodríguez Sendín, block the necessary structural changes that need the NHS to its sustainability.

The Chairman of the WTO has defended in front of the President of Aragon the need to maintain an open dialogue with the public administrations to find solutions from stewardship, which promote the internal sustainability of the national health system and has offered to promote the commitment of practitioners to find real solutions and their implementation in practice.

At the meeting, the Chairman of the WTO has delivered to Luisa Fernanda Rudi a document of proposals for health care reform to ensure the sustainability of the national health system and serve to reflection, analysis and debate both the profession and the WTO itself. It is a text entitled profession medical and health reform ”, prepared by ten professionals of prestige and different professional fields, in the becomes a reflection consensus about the critical moment that passes through the national health system.

a passage from the meeting.

It is a document in which the authors delineate the lines ” which should not be exceeded in this crisis situation and carried out a series of proposals for the sustainability of the NHS with the intention to serve as reflection, analysis and debate, which is to be made to participate to different administrations and responsible for health.

The 5 proposals Basic that make authors and develops the report are:

1-need for a political agreement on the reform of the NHS to ensure its solvency and to promote a more professional prominence at strategic levels of decision-making to prevent it instrumentalice management by partisan interests.

2-A stable and balanced funding for various health services of the autonomous communities which determines and establishes public healthcare spending and protect him with an estimate per capita ”, adjusted for need and recalculated periodically for demographic changes.

3 °-Promotion of good governance in the NHS through a structure with low level of politicization and high level of transparency, and an independent vocational institution that contributes to avoid medical interventions that do not add value to the patient and support professionals with objective information, updated and duly proven activity statewide.

4 º – Good governance and good management at centers and public health services, advancing in the creation of colleges of Government and in the professionalization of management, as well as promote a redesign of public health services.

5 °-Professionalism and creation of capital clinical, ethical, and Manager in the health professions that encompasses a social contract was renewed with the health professions and a Pact to manage the crisis without descapitalizar medicine.

The authors of the document proposed reflect together with the health authorities and advocate actively promote savings in health costs and the need to move forward on the agenda of good governance, the responsible autonomy of management and the restoration of trust between the parties.