Summer is ending and the skin begins to show signs of abuse because of the hours of exposure to the Sun, wind and weather. Against this background, there are many actions that can be done, in order to solve the problem of dryness, wrinkles, etc.

A very important step, is to return to the same time attention and care to make it look splendid. The circular massage with moisturizing creams, during at least 10 minutes a day, are fundamental. At night, the operation should be repeated with creams nutritious.

Another good therapy, is placed on the skin, slices of fresh comb. Leave them there for at least 15 minutes and then withdraw. The same applies, for example, with aloe vera. Has been proven, that if combines the pulp of aloe vera liquid petroleum jelly and is placed on the skin, this recover lightness and freshness (both lost after exposure to the Sun).

A turn, the masks based on green tea and other components of vegetable origin are magic solutions for the problem of wrinkles and dry skin. However, it is suggested they placed in cabinets led by professionals, due to the components of these.

Finally, the consumption of mineral water, fruit and vegetables, will complete the restoration, but in this specific case will purging the body of toxins and managing quotas extra fluid from the body within.