malaria, malaria and dengue, among the most common tropical diseases.

– between 12 and 13 million Spaniards travelling abroad every year and about 9% do so to areas tropical.

-infections are the leading cause of morbidity on return from a trip to the tropics, and many are preventable.

-These infections are still a great unknown for the majority of Spanish doctors and there are few specialized units in them in our country

Madrid, July of 2010. The Spanish society of infectious diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC), which brings together the vast majority of clinical microbiologists and Spanish specialists in infectious diseases, warns about the importance of preventing tropical diseases, and around 1,000,000 Spanish travel to any country in the tropics during the year, being the summer time period in which displacement are delivered to destinations such: 506.000 America Central-Caribe and South, 280,000 to Africa and 165,000 to Asia-Pacific.

It is estimated that for every 100,000 travelers to the tropics 50,000 they will have some health problem, 8,000 will be sick enough to go to the doctor during his trip, 300 will be hospitalized during the journey or return and one fallecerá. Studies conducted in different units of tropical medicine and clinics of the traveller, show that infections are the leading cause of morbidity on return from a trip to the tropics, and many of them preventable.

The format of imported infections is different depending on the type of person who suffers. Travelers who have never been in contact with these pathogens the presentation can be more severe than in subjects living in endemic areas. According to Dr. Gascón, Chief of the section of Tropical Medicine of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and member of the SEIMC: the increase in the number of travellers, some of which suffer from chronic diseases or some type of immunosuppression, coupled with immigrants, tropical infections are more frequent in our environment, and are cause for consultation at all levels of our health care system: primary care, specialized centres and emergency. ”

according to the who risk factors for acquiring certain infections are:

-duration of the trip: long-term, according to sources over one, three or six months.
-destination: tropics and subtropical.
-reason of travel and accommodation: adventure travel, travelers who visit relatives or friends, cooperating etc.
-Type of food, activities or behavior of the traveler.
-State of health prior to travel: chronic disease, immunosuppression, pregnancy.

The most common tropical diseases

Malaria or malaria, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes, is the most important imported pathology by frequency and its potential gravity. 40% Of the world’s population lives in areas at risk of malaria (Central America and the South, Haiti, Africa, oscensis Asia, Southeast Asia and South Pacific) and the annual prevalence is approximately 500 million affected. The following are some reasons that explain the reason for the potential severity of malaria in travelers:

-lack of immunity of travellers from malaria not having previously been in contact with parasite.
-lack of experience of physicians in non-endemic areas like Spainhim that sometimes it delays the diagnosis and treatment.
– despite the fact that there are drugs highly effective quimioprofilácticos not always are used in a way adequate.
– misinformation or lack of perception of risk are two of the reasons for the non-use or misuse of malaria prophylaxis.

Other diseases are also transmitted by mosquito bites are dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever, among others. For yellow fever vaccines exist but for the majority of infections transmitted by mosquitoes, as in the case of dengue fever and chikungunya, there is no specific prevention measures by following some preventive rules General recommended. The stimulus that attracts in the mosquito is the olfactory but also the visual and the heat. The temperature and body moisture, as well as the discharge of carbon monoxide and lactic acid irresistibly attracts mosquitoes as well as soaps, perfumes and creams so it is desirable to avoid this kind of very perfumed products. Use repellents of mosquitoes and preferably color clothing clear covering up the wrists and ankles.

Traveler’s diarrhea is more common in travelers health disorder. About 40-60% of travellers experience an episode of diarrhea during the trip. Personal hygiene (washing hands before meals), and eating are two essential factors in an attempt to prevent traveler’s diarrhea. Depending on the type of trip, it is important to provide a form of purification of the water to be consumed.

Other infections that can be purchased at travel to tropical countries are sexually transmitted in trips abroad are more frequent intercourse with strangers and generally little used condoms. There is no chemoprophylaxis or vaccination to prevent the spread of these diseases by what is fundamental to the health education of the population.

Preventive measures we must take

According to Dr. Gascon: before a trip to tropical countries it is necessary to attend specialized centres and carrying out some preventive. measures ” some of the most important recommendations are:

-carry out prophylactic drugs (i.e. take preventive drugs) when indicated, since malaria is imported pathology serious more frequent.
-use repellents, mosquito nets and clothing to avoid mosquito bites
-receive vaccines required depending on the country of destination and the type of trip that takes place.
-caution when eating food that they must always be well cooked and wash your hands before handling any food.
-drink only drinks bottled.
-make use of the condom if you have sexual intercourse with a partner not usual.
-avoid contact with water in rivers and lakes where there is schistosomiasis.
-have a good health insurance to cover any emergency (automobile accidents …).

In addition, according to experts, is necessary to go back to the doctor to the back of the trip when:

– incurred in some type of risk for acquiring diseases (such as bathing in rivers or lagoso has suffered some animal bite).
– manifested some kind of health as fever problemdiarrhea and skin lesions.


The Spanish society of infectious diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) is a scientific society that brings together professionals working in the field of Infectious Pathology, both from a clinical point of view the etiologic diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious processes.

The fundamental purpose of the SEIMC is the promote, encourage and disseminate the study and research of infectious diseases, clinical microbiology, in terms of epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control is concerned, as well as in their interrelations.

Currently with more than 2,360 partners, more than 1,500 correspond to the section of clinical microbiology and about 1,150 to infectious diseases.