Available in packs of two units MAM Anti-colic bottle.

Spain, April 2012.- it is no doubt that breast milk is the best choice to feed the baby with essential nutrients and antibodies it contains. However, they do not sow it is possible to breastfeed due to both the mother and the baby needs, and is neceseario to resort to the bottle.

MAM to help families equipped with the necessary number of bottles for feeding your baby, presents a new pack for its range of bottles Anti‐colic which includes two bottles of 260

Anti‐colic MAM bottle is compatible with breastfeeding due to their technical advances:

-anti‐cólico located at the base valve allows that the food reaches the baby without air bubbles, avoiding the annoying cramping and allowing it to remain relaxed and calm.

-silicone coated silk teat patented ultra‐suave which transmits a unique sensation of

– Fully removable for comfortable and thorough cleaning

-comfortable function auto‐esterilizable, that allows that the bottle is free of germs in just three minutes.

-all its components are free of BPA

MAM offers the most appropriate products for every age of the baby accompanying them in their learning, from the suction of breastfeeding or bottle to drink from a glass.

created with advice from experts in Pediatrics and dentistry doctors, MAM products are adapted to the needs of the different stages of the baby and at the same time meet the parents which require articles of high quality and high reliability. All products are manufactured without BPA, PVC and ftalatatos.