Measure Automedirse ” the tension at home it is good practice for people who suffer from such problems, and, according to the Spanish society of Hipertensión-Liga Spanish for the fight against the Arterial hypertension (SEH-LELHA), is something that can prevent between a 20 and a 30 percent of clinical decisions inappropriate.

This same Association promotes the practice of measuring the tension at home, and to do so gives us a number of interesting tips.Pay attention.

always use approved, devices clinically validated and easy to use. The best are those who recorded the pressure from the brachial artery in the arm.

The environment where you perform the test should be quiet, without noise and with pleasant temperature. Relaxation of the muscles is very important; do not use the appliance after exercise, drink coffee, smoking consume alcoholic beverages. Ceases to elapse at least thirty minutes.

If the time you usually choose to measure you tension is in the morning, do it before breakfast and without taking drugs. On the other hand, if do you at night, must do so before dinner and also prior to the consumption of any drug.

Attempts to empty the vegiga urinary before measuring you stress, and also recalls that it is advisable to sit sitting for five minutes before the test. And when you put the tensometer, not keep the legs crossed or seen clothing which push your arm.

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Tags: prevent hypertension, high blood pressure, measure voltage