Recover have a son it is a wonderful experience, and there is nothing comparable with the time in which we see our son after the hard times of delivery. While this is absolutely true, it is also that recovery of the mother’s body is often complicated and arduous … but in absolute impossible

If we take into account shortly after that leaves for us the presence of a baby in our lives, be with me in that and ncontrar awhile to make exercise or try to control our diet, even if they are necessary things, end up turning into side issues. It does not happen to you and you succeed regain your figure in a short time, here are a few good tips.

it is likely that you are willing to lose sight of the extra pounds accumulated in the stomach, and harden the area that tends to become flaccid. The abdominal may not be the best remedy, it is best that you try the following exercise. Grave you on the floor with knees bent, and relajad and contraed muscles of the stomach twenty times, breathing deeply. It is a great exercise to do at home, in a short time, all the days.

If you do not find a moment to go to the gym or pool, try to at least set aside 20 minutes to walk at a brisk pace for some greenery or quiet. Intense exercise can be counterproductive; better slowly, but consistently.Meals, better distributed in five takes small to the day. In the afternoon snacks choose fruits and yogurts diminish, and don’t forget to drink two litres of water a day. Remember that the best thing is to eat at home, and homemade dishes;preparations, precongelados or pre-cooked menus are not recommendable.Eat slowly, quietly and chewing food well. When you feel full, pull the leftovers in the garbage to avoid the temptation to finish them in a while.

And don’t forget to relax wherever you can, and above all, may trouble you not expect results immediate. It is possible that afternoon up to a year to recover the figure; but I guarantee that when you get it, your body will once again be that was. Well worth the effort!


Tags: healthy eating, diet tips, daily exercise, recover figure pregnancy, weight loss tips