More Tai Chi and its benefits, but a recent study indicates that it is also good to those who suffer from type 2 diabetes to maintain their levels of glucose within the parameters normal.

In addition, as Tai Chi is an exercise aeorbics of low intensity, which seeks harmony between respiration, coordination and balance, and also based on slow movements, is ideal for those with problems in the joints. el Tai Chi is a discipline that every time he has more supporters here in Spain and in the rest of the world. They say, those that practice, which is good to improve memory and mental health in general, as well as physics.

The truth is that these days, on the Western side of the globe, the practice of Tai Chi in gyms, schools and recreational facilities is also becoming frequent, as well as in geriatric and institutions for higher as a complement to rehabilitation fisioterapeutica.

Vitadelia Yoga Lounge

Tags: tai chi, medical studies, tai chi benefits