More than 1,700 people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease in the comarca of the Ribera.

hospital Universitario de La Ribera detects an average year of 225 new cases of Alzheimer’s disease, disease that yesterday, 21 September, held its world day.

-en La Ribera there are some 47,000 people older than 64 years, of which 7% suffer some kind of neurodegenerative dementia

-the disease is already the third as the most important health pathology, behind cardiovascular accidents and cancer

-El Hospital Universitario de La Ribera has a section of Geriatrics hospital operation carried out, as well as external consultations, emergency and surgical hospitalization elderly patient care

Alzira, 2011-September nearly 3,500 people in the comarca of the Ribera suffer from some kind of neurodegenerative dementia. Of them, more than 1,700 people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, disease that yesterday, 21 September, held its world day.

Alzheimer’s is a degenerative process of the nervous system which causes neurological damage progressive and irreversible, affecting various faculties who suffers from. The most common initial disorder is memory loss, followed by other symptoms such as alterations in the language, inability to recognize objects or people, disorientation temporoespacial and increased anxiety and emergence of affective disorders.

The evolution of the disease is slow. Since the first symptoms appear until that begins a phase of greater severity, it can take years; Depending on the person, between 5 and 20 years.

It is a disease that usually appears from the age of 65, although it is not surprising to find premature 50, 40 or younger age patients. There are some 47,000 people older than 64 years, of which 7% is suffering some type of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease being the most common in the comarca of La Ribera. In this regard, it should be noted that Hospital Universitario de La Ribera detects an average of 225 new cases of the disease in the year.

As highlighted by Dr. Juan Antonio Avellana, geriatrics of the Hospital Universitario de La Ribera, dementias cause a great impact on the lives not only of those affected, but also their families, which are typically those who are responsible for their care and attention ”.

Alzheimer’s is already the third place as health pathology, behind cardiovascular accidents and cancer. For the moment, there is no treatment that will reverse the process of degeneration which carries the disease. However, they are some drugs that can be delayed in certain stages of the disease, the progression of the disease.

with regard to prevention, it is difficult to avoid the appearance of Alzheimer’s disease, since the cause that produces is unknown. The recommendations of experts focus mainly on two key points: the screening of the first symptoms and exercise your memory and intellectual function.

In this regard, Dr. Hazel has pointed out that should not abandon the cognitive training (intellectual exercise, memory and other cognitive orientation, language, or calculating areas), which is revealing as important as drugs in dealing with the disease ”.

At the same time, maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and to prevent cardiovascular risk factors, seem to also protect against cognitive impairment.

Section of Geriatrics of the Hospital Universitario de La Ribera

Hospital Universitario de La Ribera has a Geriatrics section, which performs hospital activity in the service of internal medicine, as well as patient care on elderly external consultations, emergency and surgical hospitalization.

This section is responsible for the early geriatric assessment and monitoring of elderly people admitted, for what works in a multidisciplinary way with the rest of professionals involved in this type of patient care (geriatricians, nursing personnel, social workers, rehabilitation personnel, surgeons, traumatologists).

In this regard, Dr. Hazel has pointed out that to any person over 70 years with psychiatric symptoms is done with a geriatric assessment comprehensive, both clinical and functional: physical, mental, cognitive, sensory and social ”. In this way – has added Dr. hazelnut – generates a care plan continued covering, not only his stay in the Hospital, but also the trace in external consultations or coordination with other health levels, as hospitalization at home or primary care, and socialsuch as nursing homes and day centres