Santo Domingo, 17 mar ( EFE).-some 75,000 people are carriers of HIV/AIDS in the Dominican Republic, though 40,000 of them do not know they have the disease, according to sources of health official revealed today.

CEO of Control of the sexually transmitted infections and AIDS (Digecitss), Luis happy Baez, said in a local TV show that only 33,360 of AIDS in the country are under the umbrella of programs running that unit.

Noted that while has been lowering the rate of the disease, health authorities should continue to make the necessary efforts to control this terrible disease.

The doctor said that in the most depressed of the Caribbean nation regions are the highest rates of infected,

Said that in the bateyes (zones of extreme poverty) of the country there is a high rate of infected people because, he said, in these areas the number of Haitian citizens is greater.

According to the official statistics, an important part of the infected with AIDS in the country is of Haitian origin.

“We are working to bring down the disease, we have in fact achieved, but should continue strengthening programmes of care,” said Merry Báez.

The director-general of infections Control of STDs and AIDS, Luis happy Báez (d), said that only 33,360 of AIDS in the country are under the aegis of the programs running the unit. EFE/file