Washington, 28 nov (EFE).-A fire in the space can be one even bigger problem than in the Earth, where with a little water and chemicals can suppress, why NASA today celebrates 200 experiments who since 2009 has been made with the program FLEX.

FLEX is due to the abbreviation of the proposed experiment extinction Llamas, whose objective is to better understand the foundations of the flames in gravity zero and the best way to extinguish a fire in the space.

Away from the gravitational, where there is the concept of up and down, the flames behave in unconventional ways and when the astronauts are subject to live in an area reduced as the international space station know put out a fire quickly however small can be a matter of life and death, says NASA.

When a flame burns on Earth, hot gases rise creating a floating flow which attracts oxygen to the flame and produced the combustion, but space hot gases do not rise and molecular dissemination promotes fire behavior.

“We hope get a better understanding of the burning, improving fire safety on ships and ideas for a more efficient utilization of liquid in Earth fuels,” said lead researcher FLEX Forman Williams of the University of California at San Diego.

La NASA stresses that as better awareness the physical principles of combustion in space, you can control and designing the processes of energy efficient.

La NASA stresses that as better awareness the physical principles of combustion in space, you can control and designing energy-efficient processes. EFE/file