New type Omega fatty acids are very beneficial to the health there is no longer to tell almost anyone. The known so far are the popular Omega-3, 6 and 9, and all kind of foods enriched with these as healthy acids found in supermarkets. We know that we can also find acid Omega-3 in the blue, such as salmon and tuna or bonito fish. But now a new Member of the Omega family comes to stay: acid Omega-7

Although this nutrient is also found in some animal and vegetable oils, which was more concentrated in nature is a plant native to China and the Atlantic area of the European continent: the yellow Hawthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides), we can see in the image

to develop products that are marketed for consumption, and have the form of oil and capsules, used the beautiful berries of the plant. Yellow Hawthorn oil contains no less than twenty-eight percent of Omega-7 fatty acid or acid pamitoleico, and also boasts a large proportion of omega-3 acids, 6 and 9.

In addition, also possess tocopherols and tocotrienols (components of the vitamin E), is it reinforced its antioxidant and cell; membrane stabilizing action the action of acid Omega-7 in the skin and the mucous membranes is thus fully insured.

Yellow Hawthorn oil you can apply topically, either consumed in capsules.On the skin has an interesting effect anti-aging, moisturizing, nutritive and protective. In the mucous membranes, e.g. the vaginal mucosa, buccal, combats the itching and dryness (in the first, in times of menopause) and reduces the xerostomia (dry mouth syndrome).

In addition, also has anti-inflammatory action in cases of dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, and relieves the symptoms of ulcerative estomatititis in the mouth. Its mild analgesic effect is also very beneficial, because it helps alleviate the pain caused by these conditions. Oil and the capsules can be found in herbal and diet shops and parapharmacy.


Tags: monounsaturated fatty acids, Omega-3 acids, acid Omega-7 natural remedies