
a cure for acne is under development by researchers from the University of California, according to what has been confirmed during this week.

it has been said that there is a virus that is used to eliminate acne completely, helping to solve a problem of health and beauty that bothers millions of people.

according to reports tabled by Laura Marinelli, investigate the cure for acne, found 11 kinds of viruses that can combat the evil of the pimples and blackheads to future.

viruses that could end the problem of acne and other problems of skin once and for all belong to the family of phages and its role against this infection in the skin is the attack and kill the infectious bacteria that cause that annoying rashes appear on the skin.

the combination of 11 viruses that kill acne produces an enzyme called endolisina, which is able to completely destroy the acne without side effects adverse.

soon hope to know more details about this promising research, since acne is a problem that affects people of all ages and from which so far no definitive cure is not known.

I commented above, that a vaccine against acne may develop in the future in order to treat this infectious evil, but as there have been no updates on the subject, it is good to know that has not been research on the health of the skin on one side and continues to work a solution for this problem.

are interested to know more about acne treatments and other skin problems? Leave your opinions and questions in the comments section.