Islamabad, 18 Dec (EFE).-five local workers of the vaccination campaign against polio in Pakistan died today February in several attacks in Karachi, in the South, and Peshawar, in the Northwest of the country, reported EfE sources officers.

four of the killed were working in Karachi, where shortly after noon local were victims of three assaults perpetrated with minutes apart by unknown assailants on motorcycles, according to sources of the police in that city.

other two workers, a man and a woman, were wounded in the attacks in Karachi.

shortly thereafter, a young team of immunization in the city of Peshawar died shot in circumstances similar, according to police premises.

a source of the organism of the Pakistani Government that coordinates the fight against polio was stated to Efe that vaccination campaigns have been temporarily suspended in both cities.

< p> The fight against polio in Pakistan – only country, along with Afghanistan and Nigeria, where the disease is still endemic – has been surrounded by controversy since the taliban insurgency and some groups in the tribal areas of the country showed their opposition to it.

one of the main causes of that opposition was the unfounded rumor that a Pakistani doctor arrested for collaborating with the CIA on the location of Osama bin Laden in 2011 worked in a campaign against polio, even though it was actually against the hepatitis.

last summer, the Taliban in the Pakistani Northwestern tribal areas threatened with attacking vaccinators against polio, but took his direct threat to teams deployed in that region of the country.

However, there have been incidents relating to vaccination in several parts of the country and the past July. a member of the campaign was shot dead in Karachi.

the polio is een besmettelijke virale ziekte die kan invloed hebben op het centrale zenuwstelsel en veroorzaken verlamming; It’s a disease that has no cure but whose prevention using an oral vaccine is relatively easy.

according to official data last year there were in Pakistan 198 cases, nearly a third of the total number of episodes recorded in the world, and in the middle of this year as had 22 despite the efforts of the authorities and health agencies to eradicate polio from the country.

Islamabad, 18 Dec (EFE).-two aspiring soldier died today after being attacked with hand grenades an Office of recruitment of the Pakistan air force in the town of Nowshera, in the Northwest of the country, he told Efe a source police.

the attack was perpetrated shortly before noon local for two men from a motorcycle threw two grenades against one of the doors of the military installation, where they hoped to dozens of aspiring recruits, said a police officer, Naím Shahan.

< p> De bron toegevoegd dat, dientengevolge, hij had een dozijn van gewonden onder burgers en leden van veiligheidstroepen die het aangevallen gebouw, een militaire technische school bewaakte

lokale kanaal Express verhoogd tot drie het aantal overledene.

Nowshera ligt in de onrustige provincie Khyber Pakhtunkwa, naast de aangrenzende tribale gebieden vormen de belangrijkste focus van de opstand in het land activiteit Asia.

het aangevallen dorp is ligt op 45 km ten oosten van de regionale hoofdstad, Peshawar, waarvan luchthaven de scène laatste weekend van een suïcidale aanval taliban die met 16 doden was eindigde, met inbegrip van tien aanvallers en vijftig gewond.

verschillende agenten leggen de lijken van twee van de vier vrouwen lokale van de vaccinatiecampagne tegen polio vermoord vandaag in Karachi (Pakistan). EFE

politieagenten Pakistani geïnspecteerd het toneel van een aanslag met een autobom in de stad Jamrud op de Khyberpas tribale gebied, geregistreerd gisteren. EFE