Washington, United States: Two days before assuming the leadership of the House of representatives, Republicans announced today that they will vote on Wednesday, January 12 an initiative to abolish the law of health of President Barack Obama, known as ‘Obamacare’.

Even before formalizing the relay in the control of the lower House won in the November 2 election, the incoming leader of the majority Republican Eric Cantor would point out that the proposal will be given to know immediately to start its debate this Friday.

Cantor criticized the legislation promoted by the U.S. President, while only some of its provisions came into force in September and the rest is pending until 2014.

‘Obamacare is a killer of young and old jobs, and the main priority for the House of representatives is cut spending and grow the economy and jobs,’ noted the Republican legislator from Virginia.

The early offensive is seen as a symbolic act, because the Republicans have the votes to pass it in the House of representatives but not the Senate, and not rebasarían a sure veto of Obama, which regards health reform his main achievement.

The Republicans will have 242 seats to 193 Democrats in the House of representatives, where 218 votes are needed to pass laws.

In the Senate, where at least 60 of the 100 senators contest is required to promote initiatives, Democrats and their two independent allies will have a diminished majority of 53 senators, with 47 Republicans.

If Obama vetoes the abolition, needed two-thirds of the two bodies, a standard impossible of exceeding for the Republicans, according to analysts.

The action of the Republicans in the health reform is similar to the Democrats with immigration reform, that presented initiatives to please his supporters while a defeat was clear, according to observers.

Just last month, a judge in Virginia ruled unconstitutional aspects of the new law on health, because one of its provisions obliges people to have health insurance or face fines.

Judge Henry Hudson, appointed to the position by President George w. Bush in 2002, issued a decision favourable to the applicant, the Attorney-General of Justice of Virginia estimate that this mandate on health insurance is at odds to the Constitution.

The mandate, in turn criticized by Republicans and conservative independent groups such as undue interference of the Government in private matters, would enter into force until the year 2014.

Legal analysts agreed that the opinion of the magistrate opens the door to the constitutionality of the health law is eventually settled by the Supreme Court of justice.

The law promulgated in March last and presented as the main initiative of the Presidency of Obama, includes insurance mandatory for millions of Americans, but excludes the option of a safe public and does not provide benefits to millions of undocumented immigrants.

Other provisions which came into force in September prohibiting discrimination against children with pre-existing conditions, unilateral cancellation of coverage, limitations on coverage and guarantee the right of appeal.

Obama Care

The United States health system needs a good reform, but not the kind of changes decreed by the new health care law.

The law of protection to the patient and care of health affordable (PPACA), commonly known as ‘Obamacare’, drag to the U.S. health system. UU. in the wrong direction.

This so unpopular law imposes federal control over benefits and financing of health care, establishes a complex system of health of single model and centralized decisions by health care for America in Washington.

Instead, Congress should transform the health system into one that empodere people and families – not Washington – to control a greater number of decisions regarding your health care.Few People says Obama uses lies to impose health Abortion Act.