One of every ten Spaniards taking antibiotics without a prescription to fight the cold.

the President of the otorrinos recommends propolis for the throat.

-a study published this month by Ohio University confirms benefits of pharmaceutical preparations of propolis

-Pastora Soler and David de María, propolis for the voice of the year awards

Spain, January 2012- 12% of the population recognizes have been automedicado with antibiotics in the last year to combat the coldAccording to a survey conducted by the Centre for research of phytotherapy (INFIT) among 2,000 people. The usual treatment of flu and colds, according to this survey are analgesic and anti-inflammatory, followed by the bees, such as the propolis and honey products. In fact, 6 in 10 Spanish relies on these natural substances to prevent cold.

Antibiotics do not serve to treat viruses like the flu and the cold, warns Dr. Primitivo Ortega, President of the Spanish society of Otolaryngology (SEORL). Are only effective when it comes to bacterial infections, which represent a very small percentage of the total ”. In his view, is preferable to use propolis in the presence of certain viruses, such as the flu or cold, which often manifest themselves at this time in the form of strep ”. One in three Spanish recognizes suffer throat problems during the year, especially at this time.

The propolis is a substance produced by bees from products of plant origin to protect their hives and which acts as an antiseptic, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory, so it is indicated for preventing and treating infectious processes related to the respiratory tract, explains Teresa Ortega, Professor of Pharmacology at the Complutense University and Vice President of INFIT. The propolis, to exercise its medicinal properties has to be controlled and adequately preserved since its composition may vary according to their origin and during the storage process. The use of pharmaceutical preparations in the form of capsules or syrup, not only guarantees its quality, but that provides an ideal way for correct management, following the recommendations of the pharmacist as are indicated in the prospectus accompanying to the preparation ”, said.

A study published this month by the Ohio University (USA) in the journal Frontiers in Bioscience confirms among other beneficial effects of the propolis antioxidant properties. In particular, emphasizes that this product made by bees, contains up to 300 natural components and displays a wide variety of biological and pharmacological properties as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antitumor, cancer, antiulcerous, hepatoprotector, cardioprotector and neuroprotective, ”.

The propolis is also used to take care of the vocal cords, that protects this part of the throat infections and damage due to the cold. is a product very used by professionals who use the voice as a working tool, such as teachers, presenters and singers ”, according to Marta Pinillos logofoniatra.

Pastora Soler and David de Maria

That is why INFIT has created the propolis awards to the voice of the year, which have been granted on Tuesday to the singers Pastora Soler and David de María. The awards have been awarded for its qualities of voice, among the most voted singers on the website. In the category of broadcasters, Internet users have chosen the voices of Isabel Gemio (with 331 votes of 1.311) and Luis del Olmo (with 366).

The sudden changes in temperature affect the vocal cords, which is why experts recommend protect the throat and use pharmaceutical preparations of natural products with enhancers and antiseptic properties of immune as the propolis and the echinácea.

9 of every 10 Spaniards believe it is important to raise defenses to protect themselves from flu and colds, according to the survey of INFIT. In this regard, Teresa Ortega highlights the role of the echinácea: preparations echinácea acting against conditions that are caused by both viruses and bacteria. It has a mechanism of action immunostimulant, enhances the body’s defenses, so an ideal time to be used is when the first symptoms of a cold ”.