ratiopharm renews its website www.ratiopharm.es in order to be closer to the health professional.

-this initiative comes in addition to the set of services that ratiopharm puts at the disposal of the health professional and will serve as communication with the pharmaceutical/medical platform, supporting its welfare work

-as well as being informed of the latest news, projects and courses carried out by ratiopharm, the health professional will get to know the existing interactions between drugs you select, frequently asked questions about pharmaceutical care, the best selection of web sites related to the professional area, etc

– the Web accessible to all projects that are carried out in the continuing education of health professionals in primary health care and pharmaceutical care

Madrid, January 2012.- in order to be closer to the health professional, ratiopharm has renewed its website www.ratiopharm.es. This initiative comes in addition to the set of services that ratiopharm puts at the disposal of the health care professional because something is changing in ratiopharm.

In addition to being informed of the latest news, publications, projects and courses carried out by ratiopharm, www.ratiopharm.es will serve as a communication platform with the pharmaceutical/medical, support its welfare work.

Thanks to this website, the health professional can know frequently asked questions on pharmaceutical care and existing interactions between medications that you select, a useful application for patients polimedicados.

Also, ratiopharm provides these professionals a form of active ingredients, drugs, and international drug equivalencies. This tool in addition to the information concerning the product facilitates the search of the active ingredients as the brand name of products in other countries contributing to the continuity and adherence to treatment.

This site also includes the best selection of web sites related to the professional field, the latest products information ratiopharm has released to the market and the constant update of the latest news from the sector.

This new version is born after several months of work oriented to the needs of health professionals. ratiopharm intends to consolidate the commitment with health professionals, promoting scientific training and to disseminate a better understanding of the generic. In relation to the previous version, includes many new features and improvements both in design, content, navigation, and technology.

Training, one of the axes of performance of ratiopharm

For ratiopharm development is a constant line of work with health professionals. Design of continuous medical training programmes, has not only allowed to meet the concerns of professionals and meet your needs, but it has served to promote an attitude conducive to the use of the generic drug. Hence, training to become one of the axes of performance of ratiopharm.

All the activities undertaken in the field of training are accredited by the Commission on continuing training of the national system of health, by the system Spanish of accreditation of the medical continuous training, SEAFORMEC, and the SaAP, System accreditation in semFYC primary care and SEMERGEN.

Also, and with the growing weight that acquires the pharmacist in public health, pharmaceutical care contributes to improving the quality of life of citizens, through a closer and more documented communication between the pharmacist and patient. Preventive measures and compliance with treatment can prevent many complications and even death. Pharmacists, adequately trained, can contribute to the prevention and better control of diseases.

On the website of ratiopharm can access to all projects that are carried out in the continuing education of clinicians in primary health care and pharmaceutical care.