Previously on your health: operation bikini. 10 simple tips (II)

Operation the main feature of a healthy diet is that he suits our needs. What is meant by our needs? Unlike in some years in which perhaps physical activity distributed from morning to afternoon, today her we concentrate mainly evenings and at most, half later. What means this?

We must concentrate the greater part of carbohydrates of the day in the morning (and avoid fats, cheeses and whole milk), but if possible, we should avoid to make them simple sugars, it is better to take a fresh juice and some natural Compote with toast, than a coffee with much sugar and jam. If we are long-chain sugars, energy will be distributed throughout the day, in time cause us a peak glycaemic (that could cause the sugar to become fat). a Council: skimmed milk, juice, toast and natural with some natural applesauce.

At the same time we must distribute meals throughout the day, therefore, not lunch you must jump you. If you have completed exercise in the morning, a yogurt you can drink, but it is best that you take a piece of fruit. But there comes a time of food, here must take protein, carbohydrates and even somewhat fat (although we must always avoid wherever possible), preferably a starter rich in carbohydrates and fiber, vegetables, rice, pasta or mashed. Second preferably meat dish, although if possible, slightly vegetables as garnish. And last but not least, there is no problem in taking a yogurt (preferably skimming), although another piece of fruit would not be not evil.

Finally at the dinner we must avoid fats and sugars, and take protein, little energy and that hardly become fat. We must therefore avoid dinner too late and also the membership cards, take precedence the fish and the vegetables (or even soups). The ideal dessert will be the fruit, as milk, sugary or not, will provide us carbohydrates and some fat that we do not need. But despite everything if you fancy something sweet, a grenade or grapes.

Tags: dinner, lunch, breakfast, operation bikini