Previously on your health: operation bikini. 10 simple tips (III)

Operation today are going to give you a new Council to lose those extra pounds: exercise in fasting s. If you are fans the fitness you must know this recommendation. Why it is that we should do so in fasting? Well, all we have been told to lose weight should exercise, but let us say that it is not as simple, i.e. If there is no way to lose fat (not water and glycogen, which is what is lost with the monodietas) without exercise. But … normally when we exercise we are burning glycogen in our muscles, for burning ” really these fats needed exercise for a continued time. known Council that is due in part to this if you want to lose weight to do is walk and partly true, every minute that passes from constant exercise burn a greater fat percentage. To make this significant must perform not less than 50 minutes and is also not very profitable. Solution? do sport when our glycogen levels are minimal and when is this happening? normally (if you have not done a copious dinner, following our advice) before breakfast or after exercise intense.

To lower level of glycogen, more fat that will be consumed, therefore we recommend exercising newly awakened, and before breakfast. With this we do not want to tell you that not you breakfast, or a lot less, after exercise and a good shower you breakfast to replenish forces, and possibly with IG food rich in fiber and low. If you do not forget to take a bottle of water and if you have low tension, is possible once finished with the bike (or run), you marees a little quiet, it is not common, but it isn’t anything dangerous, provided you do not intense aerobic exercise.

Tags: fasting, exercise, operation bikini