Patients 2.0 elect the physician based on the query timeout.

the fear of missing work influences.

-more than 30% of the online appointments are booked outside of working hours

-2.0 Patients want to receive recommendations of other patients about doctors and clinics

Madrid, January of 2013- patients in the age of Internet 2.0 choose a doctor based on his punctuality and time out in the inquiry, according to a survey conducted among 800 users of SaludOnNeta platform of comprehensive management of medical appointments in real-time. This criterion is above others, such as the kindness, professionalism and physician recommendations.

“When an employee is absent for going to the doctor wants to do the shortest time possible, because, in times of crisis, the presence in the job title is considered a key factor to retain it. Therefore, the ability to know which doctor is more punctual is one of the features most appreciated by our users”, says Carlos Falcato, President of SaludOnNet. According to I report Adecco on absenteeism, the crisis has provoked a widespread reduction of absenteeism, especially the caused by medical casualties.

On the other hand, the request for medical appointment also reserves increasingly outside working hours, according to data collected between 600,000 appointments reserved in SaludOnNet in 2012. More than 30% of patients 2.0 call for appointment out of it, especially in the afternoon and on weekends. “Private procedures are increasingly worse seen in companies and that has increased the demand for patients who want to be able to book the first available appointment through Internet locations at that time, with either the mobile or tablet, without having to call a specific hours or waiting for that you addressed to the phone”, Falcato points. For medical center is, in addition, “any possible patient left unattended”. Through the web the patient can choose doctor by availability, insurance, quality perceived by other patients or proximity criteria.


Kindness is the second criterion that patients 2.0 have in choosing a doctor, like to choose the Center, although for the latter the first criterion considered are its facilities. The third criterion, in both cases, is the recommendation of other users on the web. “Patients tell us that it is very useful to know which printing have other patients of this doctor or Center, since our platform is the only one which can only say those who have actually been in consultation, which avoids as well possible falsehoods and baseless criticism”It highlights the director of SaludOnNet. The platform has 10,000 sheets of valuations. These views come to centres and physicians themselves in real time, together with data from timeout, so you know what they need to improve or preserve.

What more they value the patient 2.0 insurers, according to the survey, are the coverages and the facilities to make the arrangements, often of the quality/price ratio. Insurers, for their part, may have information of accident as well as the ranking of quality of their doctors (according to your demand, availability and valuation) instantly. All these data, cross, manage to save time and money by all the agents involved: patients, physicians, centers and insurers, and, above all, allow you to gain efficiencies to the health care system ”, explains Carlos Falcato.