Physiotherapists started his campaign 12 months, 12 Tips ” warning about the risks of sleep upside down.

campaig for prevention of injury created by the initiative of the professional physiotherapists of the community of Madrid with its first video healthy Council.

-Can general cervicalgia, tendinitis, ligamentarios pains of origin, or other musculoskeletal problems, of which the person is not aware until pathology is found in a very advanced state

-El CPFCM has developed 12 short films with recommendations, which will be disseminated every month through various media such as the TV channel of the malls, the TV channel of the metro, in theaters and through social networks

Madrid, January of 2013- the College professional physiotherapists of the community of Madrid has initiated the campaign 12 months, 12 health tips ” whose objective is to prevent injuries that suffers the population caused by bad habitsbeginning with a first short in which warns about the risks of sleep upside down.

Through this campaign, the collegiate institution wants to educate citizens about the risks faced when they carry out their activities of daily life by adopting postures, and precautions that should take into account to avoid injury or musculoskeletal problems.

The collective of physiotherapists considers it essential education for the health of the citizen, has developed 12 short films with various recommendations, which will disseminate month to month through different media as the TV channel of the malls, the channel metro, in theaters and through social networks.

The Secretary general of the CPFCM, José Santos, has reported that it is an initiative for the prevention of health entirely funded by the College, since one of its objectives is to provide a public service to the citizen and one of the fundamental functions of the physiotherapist is prevention, not only healing.

In this way, we want to be near people when they develop their work activities, their hobbies, their household chores, and a professional voice that orient them about how their physical problems of day to day ”, ensures.

Healthy break

Thus, the CPFCM has started his campaign in the month of January by launching a series of recommendations on how to rest in a healthy way, with emphasis on the risk posed to the back, sleeping upside down. In this sense, Santos explained that to adopt this position, US force to keep the neck turned for hours to be able to breathe, thereby changing the cervical curvature and lying upside down position increases our curvature lumbar making us more vulnerable to suffer back pain ”.

Repeat this habit for 7 or 8 hours a day, makes us more susceptible to suffer cervicalgia, tendinitis, ligamentarios pains of origin, or other musculoskeletal problems, of which the person is not aware until pathology is found in a very advanced state ”, has been added.

Thus, physiotherapists recommend sleeping on your side, given that in this position the spine is in the horizontal and better distributes the tensions. In addition, it pointed out the importance of choosing a material of adequate rest.

So our neck not suffer while we rested, should use a pillow that allows us to have the cervical alignment with the rest of the column both if we are upside down, as if we are on side ”, has insured. this is very personal, so you have to try the pillow before purchasing it to verify that this condition is met ”.

As for the mattress, experts recommend the medium hardness, and recall must combine the stiffness of the mattress with the support. Is a very common mistake use a Canapé of table with a mattress as the latex. With this we multiply the hardness of the mattress and get a little healthy break for our back ”, alert.

Another of the recommendations of the collective health to have a good rest is used elaborate garments with natural fibers, like cotton or linen, which allow a greater transpiration of the skin, and keep in room temperature ranging between 18 and 20 degrees.

In addition, advise following a routine time, avoid exciting like alcohol, coffee or tobacco during the hours before sleep, and wait between one and two hours to lie once has dined. To relax before going to sleep, reading or watching TV, you are advised to place a pillow between your knees when you are lying down, to keep the knees and hips semiflexionadas.

Although sometimes we are not aware of this, the postures during the night affect the performance of the person during the day and are in many cases, the cause of lifting us with the feeling of being tired ”, has alerted Santos.

Sleeping with children

On the other hand, the Secretary general of the College, has recalled the habit that have many pairs of lying to their small children in the same bed as them. This habit can be detrimental to the rest of the parents, because they sleep in the outer part of the mattress, which is harder; and be really dangerous for children, since there is the risk of suffocation by crushing caused by the weight of the adult ”.

Thus, reported that although there is no scientific evidence on whether it is advisable or not that a child to sleep in the same room as their parents, the moment in which the child, from the sixth month, which is when usually when ceases to require feeding during the night, you can be a good time to move it to his own room, which provide more autonomy and more peace of mind to parents ”.

To view the first video of the campaign 12 months, 12 health tips ” click on the following link.