Patients with mental health problems can suffer from erectile dysfunction by the effects of some psychoactive drugs.

x annual meeting of the society Basque-Navarre in psychiatry. Vitoria, 29 and September 30.

-psychiatric disease alone could cause mobility disorders

– many of the dementia that cause these and other problems may be due to cell oxidation

-experts analyse in the 10th annual meeting of the Basque-Navarre psychiatric society, held in Vitoria, relates how the body and mind in psychiatric diseases

Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2011-October mental health experts have shown the different problems that can arise from a mental illness such as disorders of mobility in affected patients. They have also warned that there is a risk for erectile dysfunction taking certain medications for the treatment of mental diseases.

These issues have been mention in the ‘ Symposium: body and mind in psychiatric disease ’, which was held last Friday during the tenth meeting of the Basque-Navarre society of Psychiatry. In particular, the director of Hospital Aita Menni, Ignacio Quemada, brain damage has explained the mobility problems that may occur in patients with brain damage.

The thread of this lecture, Dr Angel Luis Montejo, director of the Spanish Association of sexuality and Mental Health has indicated the problems that can arise from the intake of certain medications for mental illness. For his part, Juan Carlos Leza, specialist of the Department of Pharmacology of Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid has explained the origin of mental illness may be due in some cases to an oxidation of the cells of the individual ”.

Firstly, Nacho Quemada has claimed the importance of the description of the motor signs present in mental diseases ” and highlighted that should focus specifically on analyzing the inhibition psychomotor and Catatonic stupor own severe depressions. ”

the bottom of the talk message has suggested the need to pay greater attention to psychopathological areas fromñadas, for example in motor disorders, which may have great potential diagnosis. The expert has been invited to consider the central nervous system diseases such as ” a unique group in that deserve to be studied the subjective experiences, emotions and beliefs for instance, as well as the so-called classical neurological signs, disorders of sensation and motor control, for example ”.

For its part, the Dr.Angel Luis Montejo has stressed that the psychoactive drugs, mainly some antidepressants and antipsychotics, although fortunately not all, are often associated with the emergence of sexual dysfunction causing decrease in desire, orgasm or ejaculation delay as well as erectile dysfunction or vaginal lubrication in more than 60% of patients and in 80% of healthy volunteers ”.

The cause, as he has indicated the expert, is the associate serotonin increase or the increase in prolactin secondary to the use of antipsychotics. ” has also stressed that patients suffering from depression often prescribed them a psicofármaco by symptoms very different companions and are at risk of sexual dysfunction, which can go unnoticed if it does not scan directly ”.

Therefore, the first step to not cause sexual dysfunction should be to ask directly to the patient about his sex life. A psicofármaco that does not provoke problems from the start should choose in sexually active persons who indicate that their sex life is important ”.

possible origin of mental illness

Juan Carlos Leza specialist has pointed out that the Agency, under normal conditions, has sufficient antioxidant mechanisms but can be any situation in which the oxidation reactions exceed the ability of defence, in that case there are components of the cells that can be damaged in its structure or its function ”. In this way, explained that the situations in which inflammation and oxidative damage may occur are exposure to gamma radiation, UV radiation, ultrasound, food, some drugs, pollution, toxic (tobacco) ”. In addition, highlighted that own cells, when they come to a focus inflammatory or infectious, or certain pathologies such as ischemia, exposure to stress, inflammation and infection ”.

Finally, during his speech, the expert underlined that now knows more and more about the mechanisms. Several laboratories are trying to learn how to avoid the erosion of the antioxidant mechanisms in these pathologies and how resources from outside the body (with drugs) to prevent cell damage ”.