patients with rheumatoid arthritis indicate the deterioration in the health care received

-Closing in several communities in units of Rheumatology or deletion of the administration of intravenous treatments results in deficiencies in health care received by patients with rheumatoid arthritis

-the study rheumatoid arthritis: a vision of the present and a look to the future ” developed by the University of patients, reflects the existing difficulty in access to health care services

-ConArtritis highlights the social, medical and economic advantages of the hospitals of day

Madrid, November of 2011-
La Coordinadora Nacional de arthritis (ConArtritis), association that encompasses 18 associations of patients with rheumatoid arthritis of all Spain, shows their fear that the crisis affects health care received by patients with rheumatoid arthritisfollowing the recent events have passed in the form of adjustments and cuts in several communities.

Patients see with fear as close Rheumatology services in Catalonia, or how recently in Menorca has been deleted, in a Center, administration of treatments intravenous for the rheumatoid arthritis, this no doubt has a direct impact on health care received by patients with rheumatoid arthritis ”, says Antonio i. Torralba, President of ConArtritis.

It should be noted the already existing difficulties for patients with rheumatoid arthritis in access to health services and information related to habits of life, preventive measures and information concerning the administration of drugs, as reflected in the study rheumatoid arthritis: a vision of the present and a look to the future ” developed by the University of patients.

Many AR patients attend the day hospitals where administered them intravenous medication in a comfortable and safe, the day hospitals are integrated into a conventional hospital care centres, offering patients that must undergo some form of chronic treatment the same services as a conventional hospital, but without the need of income. For Torralba, is essential to highlight the social, medical and economic advantages that benefit patients, their families and the health system, derived from such centres that after recent adjustments and cuts, are being affected at the same time. The deletion of these centres is adversely on the quality of life of the person with RA forced to move to other hospitals to receive their medication, we are talking about people who may also have a reduced mobility ”.

Rheumatoid arthritis about

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disabling autoimmune, systemic, chronic and sometimes disease characterized by inflammation of the membrane surrounding the joints. This swelling causes pain, stiffness, and swelling, which can lead to the irreversible destruction of the joints. The effects of RA are not limited only to joints that can affect other organs and systems (circulation, eyes, lungs etc) and can cause other health complications. RA affects mainly young adults aged between 25 and 55 years, and in many cases, the diagnosis interrupted their professional and personal development. In our country, its incidence is 0.5 per cent.

About ConArtritis

The national coordinator of arthritis, ConArtritis is an association non-profit which includes 18 associations of patients with rheumatoid arthritis of all Spain. Mission is to integrate and to represent the associations of patients with rheumatoid arthritis before authorities and health managers in order to promote public and legislative initiatives that will result in the full social integration and employment and the improvement of the quality of life of patients.

ConArtritis provides the associations of patients that includes their experience and advice, as well as relevant information about the disease and the latest medical and scientific advances in its treatment.

Continuously, ConArtritis promotes awareness of rheumatoid arthritis and its consequences to society at large.