The physical therapy accelerates the recovery process and minimize the aftermath after prostate interventions

on the occasion of the day European of health prostate.

Madrid, September 2011.- the Secretary general of the General Council of schools of physical therapists of Spain (CGCFE), Manuel Alcantarilla, on the occasion of the European day of the Prostática health, has assured that physical therapy accelerates the recovery process and minimizes the possible sequels after prostate interventions

Prostate problems to 15% of men at some point in his life. Approximately 80% of men over the age of 60 years has some difficulty urinating due to prostate growth.

In this sense, Alcantarilla has stressed that physical therapy is effective in the treatment of prostate diseases, both from the point of view preventive after surgery, avoiding and reducing the problems arising after the surgery.

Generally speaking, the benign pathology of prostate (prostatitis) doesn’t do sequels and physical therapist intervention is carried out with the aim of breaking the fibrosis, primarily using transverse Cyriax massage.

The main consequences appear after surgery and among them include urinary incontinence, impotence and urinary retention, because it damages the urethral sphincter and pelvic floor muscles.

Before surgery, physical therapy, as explained by the Secretary general of the Council, aims re-educate, mainly using cinesiterapia of pelvic floor and adaptation of habits of conduct exercises to accelerate the recovery of Continence and avoid that this problem will become chronic.

Once surpassed the intervention is advisable to carry out physiotherapy treatment in order to accelerate the recovery process and minimize the possible consequences. The intervention of the physiotherapist primarily focuses on lower abdominal effort, learning of mictional dynamics, reinforcement of specific muscles and awareness of such muscles.

To achieve these goals, according to sewer, physical therapy mainly uses exercises of empowerment of the muscles of the pelvic floor, prior assessment of the status of the diaphragm, pelvis, hipopresiva abdominal fitness exercises, electrotherapy and mictional calendar.

This type of physiotherapy intervention enjoys the support of the scientific evidence and its effectiveness is proven ”, the President of the CGCFE, José Antonio Martín Urrialde said. Physiotherapy sessions are completely painless and without any risk or side effect.

Currently, physical therapy is highly recommended for patients that will be submitted to this intervention, by various medical specialists which is carried out.


The General Council of physiotherapists schools of Spain (CGCFE) is the body that represents more than 40,000 physiotherapists, in Spain, dealing with the common goal of promoting the health of citizens. In addition, orders the profession, guardianship the interests of physiotherapy, as well as its optimal implementation and universalization.

Physiotherapists are health professionals, as foreseen in existing legislation, accredited with the University degree in physical therapy, taught at 43 universities and holders of knowledge and skills designed to benefit the health of the population. Furthermore, there is a greater number of doctorates and masters, to ensure their high qualification.