The a few days ago published a post in our series La botica grandmother talking about teeth of babies, and the ways to relieve pain that produces them his appearance. Well today I decided to continue to help the mothers and mothers-to-be, and let’s see if we are talking about some remedies for a nuisance that many children, fathers and mothers are affected greatly: from infant colic

Is intense abdominal pains suffered by children in breast-feeding, by reason of gases or difficulty digesting food. We must bear in mind that children have just come to our world and your body needs to adapt to the food they eat by mouth, that in the fetal State directly received them through the umbilical cord.

colic baby thing you can recognize when your baby cries without apparent reason of steadily at the same time every day, while shrinking legs; also usually present swelling in the abdomen.

A first solution is to apply a warm tila and Chamomile Pack on the stomach of the baby. To prepare, boil 15 grams of dried flowers of Chamomile and other dried flowers of tila in the middle of both boiling water litre. Let stand 10 minutes and soaked a towel in the infusion

Anise water of our grandmothers is still a completely valid remedy. To prepare, must infuse a teaspoon of dried seeds of green anise and n water bottle for five minutes, filter the ready and leave this temple. This tea is to drink the child before the meals

There is another plant which is also very suitable for these cases: the nébeda (Nepeta_Cataria). Placed ten grams of dry in a saucepan or Kettle nébeda and adds one hundred and seventy-five milliliters of freshly boiled water. Let it infusione for ten minutes, filter her and give the child between twenty-five and fifty milliliters of hot infusion before eating. This drink can be stored in the refrigerator for two days as a maximum.

Legendary Monkey.

Tags: nursing colico, La botica la abuela