Pilates as always, the rush overwhelm us, pay us fails to make ends meet …, who can consider going to the gym? In the end, not have monitors or material, chose to continue to sit on the couch on practicing the sillón-bol ”. Well now, thanks to the Internet, there is no excuse for not doing exercise; There are many pages where you will find great tables to be able to practice exercises of all kinds. For example, those of pilates.

For them, you will only need a Chair, a mat or soft blanket and two mancuernas (if you do not have them, you can use two bottles of water from thirty-three milliliters, filled with, of course!)

begins sitting in the Chair with the back well straight. Contracted the abodominales, open arms and separate them from the body, putting elbows parallel to the chest. Then board the elbows slowly and contracted pectorals to harden them.

For turning the shoulders, this another exercise is perfect. In the same position as in the previous, with the abdominal muscles even its low arms and put them next to the body. Alternatively rises each arm (with strap) with elbow slightly bent, and make as if you were to pour water from a jug.

To finish, to avoid the flabbiness of the back of the arm, placing you in the same position with the arms flexed after head and parallel elbows. Extends the arms upwards are to move position, keeping them well straight. Later continue with the rest of the body!

Pilates at home.

Tags: exercises to do at home, pilates exercises