Pollution favours the syndrome of inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Conference of biorreguladora medicine expert Arthur O ’ Byrne.

-biorreguladora medicine helps eliminate toxins that affect the intestinal microflora and can lead to digestive problems, sleep or constipation, among others

Madrid, October 2011.- environmental toxins favouring the appearance of the syndrome of inflammation of the mucous membranes, a disorder related to the immune system and associated with the emergence of digestive problemsgases and constipation, and the propensity to risk of infection and atopic manifestations such as asthma and eczema. So says one of the leading international experts in biorreguladora medicine, Dr. Arturo O ’ Byrne, director of the center of biological medicine, Colombia, who teaches a series of conferences in different Spanish cities on the benefits of this therapy in syndrome of inflammation of the mucous membranes.

80% Of our immune system resides in the intestine, where the immunological barrier that protects us from strange or harmful substances. In a healthy gastrointestinal transit, integrity of the mucous membranes, tolerance is the predominant immune function, and we do not react to the nutrients from the food we need ”, explains Dr. or ’ Byrne. However, if the barrier of the gastrointestinal tract is compromised by the accumulation of toxins, fails in tolerance. Some of most frequent pathologies associated with the permeability of the intestine are inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune diseases ”, explains the expert.

Pollution is one of the sources of most common toxins. One in three Spanish is exposed to these pollutants, according to ecologists in action complaint in its latest report on the quality of the air. Exposure to air pollution rises to nine in ten if one considers the indexes recommended by who. This pollution affects the immune system and the appearance of the syndrome of inflammation of the mucous membranes, according to the doctor or ’ Byrne. A study published last August by the Journal of Crohn’s ’ s and Colitis of the University of Alberta, Canada, concluded that the increase in air pollution has a direct impact on the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases that weaken the immune system. In the same vein, another investigation of the University of Palermo, published last September in Annali Italiana di Chirugia, showed that the intestinal flora plays a decisive role in the activation of some cells responsible for the autoimmune system and warned of the role of the pollution.

Importance of detoxify

To environmental contaminants must be added other toxic than they have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora and undertake the immune system, such as drugs, food additives, alcohol, tobacco and generated from endogenous form, such as stress ” warns the doctor or ’ Byrne. For this expert, the best way to restore the balance of the immune system and the functionality of the intestinal mucosa is a treatment for detoxification and drainage of medicine biorreguladura of pharmaceutical dispensing. In a study approved by the Committee of ethics of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona in which involved 47 doctors of primary care and 220 patients with excess toxins, administered three boiregulators drug detoxification: Lymphomyosot, lymphatic drainage, Nux consumption-Homaccord with effect on the liver and intestinal functions and Berberis-Homaccordserving in the biliary and renal detoxification. After two months of treatment, the average symptom reduction was 81%. The symptoms with further reductions were: muscle pain, constipation, digestions, mood swings, headache, and allergy.

Biorreguladora medicine used composite homeopathic medications that contain plant active ingredients and minerals at doses similar to those found on a regular basis in the body, so it favors the natural processes of self-regulation.

Asembior is a partnership aimed at the dissemination and the study of the biorreguladora medicine, with the participation of professionals in the health.