are many controversies about whether tea is good or bad for the health and as happens in most of the products, are always good into perspective. We do not abuse of tea for his contribution of protein, that will make us to get more nervous than it already is our life. Today we want to leave you a list of the beneficial properties of tea verde:

  • green tea is a great antioxidant, so that we have a suppressed immune system strong, able to fight against the infecctiones.
  • If we are habitual consumers of coffee and change by green tea, receive our usual dose of caffeine but not organic acids that raise the level of insulin and this does not help the Elimination of fats. The tea does not produce insulin release by what makes fat are removed quickly.
  • Green tea improves your efficiency brain to contain caffeine and glucose to form joint.
  • Green tea increases levels of HDL good cholesterol and lower bad LDL cholesterol levels.
  • Green tea contains fluoride and strengthens tooth enamel.
  • Want to remind you that the most important thing of a diet is always be varied. Even the glucose or salt in its fair measure are beneficial to health.

    Fuente| Benefits of tea

Tags: antioxidants, diet, strengthen tooth enamel, lower cholesterol