Postmodernism is the most dangerous of the story for mental health

X meeting annual of the society Basque-Navarre psychiatric (Vitoria 29 and 30 September)

Conference INAUGURAL

-in Spain, at least 25% of women and 15% of men have suffered throughout their lives any pathology psychic.

-this must be added some estimates worrying: 14% of the population will have disorders of stress and anxiety, and 30%, will need counseling or psychiatric.

-technological addictions and the cult of the image are two issues of special incidence in this century

Vitoria, 2011-September this is the most dangerous time of history for the mental health ”. This resounding expressed Jesús de la Gandara, Chief of Psychiatry in complex healthcare in Burgos, present at the annual meeting X of the Navarra Basque society of Psychiatry, where he developed the paper Postmodernism and mental health: depression, women, and facebook ”. Understand the specialist to in the past 50 years has increased the number of patients with a mental disorder, and in particular with certain diseases associated with depression and anxiety ”.

The data that handles De la Gandara is illuminating. In Spain, at least 25% of women and 15% of men have suffered some mental pathology throughout their lives. To this we must add some worrying estimates: 14% of the population will have disorders of stress and anxiety, and 30%, will need psychological or psychiatric help.

The specialist will set up three camps of special incidence. In the chapter of the depressions are included, for example, those pathologies associated with sadness, depression and stress ”. Underlines the expert mental health international official bodies have already established that these pathologies are more disability and loss of quality of life generated today. Postmodern humans live well, but we are suffering from depression or anxiety ”, the expert concludes.

In the women’s section, De la Gandara qualifies that not done reading only of women but of those strata more fragile. ” from this perspective, the specialist said that depression and anxieties have always existed, but are now more frequent, especially in womenchildren, adolescents and elderly people, in other words, the more disadvantaged population. In addition, its detection and treatment experienced a noticeable increase ”.

In the chapter entitled facebook, the Chief of Psychiatry in complex healthcare of Burgos points out that technological addictions and the cult of the image are two issues of special incidence in this century ”. Thus, the expert says that the postmodern lifestyle (quick, computerized, with a general eclecticism of moral and family, and dominated by the hiperconsumismo values) generates peculiar characteristics in coexistence that increases psychic disorders. Anxiety and modern stress are related to work, the woman more vulnerable than men to emotional disorders. With regard to children and adolescents, increased consultations in Psychiatry by depression and hyperactivity disorders. Also in adolescents are increasing problems of body image (anorexia and bulimia) and the suicide rate. In the elderly, arise syndromes Diogenes or problems resulting from loneliness. New Addictions (to mobile phones, internet, television, work, play, sex or consumption) are one of the problems that most have increased in recent times. It is, in short, a mismatch between the modern person and the world you live ”.

The expert illustrates this appreciation with an example. what the disease is more prevalent in these days? Baldness. There are two billion people in the world with this problem to whose research spend so many resources for cancer. Still, there are millions of people who seek solutions in crecepelos, an old human aspiration. Remains to be seen whether this obsession is a psicoestético disorder or has to be addressed from other disciplines such as sociology, but the truth is that we live pending mirror ”.

Underlines the psychiatrist to body and mind are the same thing. For example, stress or anxiety leads to hypertension, heart disease, digestive problems, fall of the hair, or menstrual disorders. Another remarkable fact is that women over the age of 65 years with sustained stress are more likely to die of heart disease ”.

The proposal that De la Gandara will launch at the Congress is the engage one revolution humanotécnica, a coupling of the humanistic virtues and all scientific and technological contributions. It is necessary to invest in a new philosophy in which the human being is the central axis ”.