Postoperative awakening from anesthesia is already in itself an experience quite disconcerting and unpleasant. After an operation, and depending on the type of intervention, usually appear pain or other discomfort to the patient, so the postoperative periods require special care.

Should be noted that the degree of mental patient health influences not only the favourable evolution of the postoperative period, but the success of the operation itself, so it is necessary a previous preparation of the patient so that you know perfectly all the details of what what confronts.

Postoperative a general rule, people perceive surgical interventions such as physical aggression, in addition, resulting in pain. It is ignorance that can make an patient experience some anxiety that may lead to angst. For this reason it is important that faces the intervention duly informed of the type of operation, the chances of success and the potential risks. Addition, it is recommended to administer a medication that decreases the degree of anxiety.

After surgical intervention, the awakening of the anaesthesia, the patient is in a phase known as postoperative immediately. Generally it consists of six hours, but depending on various factors, it can be extended up to 36 hours. At this stage the patient will remain in the recovery room post-surgical, where they will monitor their vital signs such as consciousness, breathing rate, blood pressure and pulse.

Superada this phase, the patient enters the stage known as postoperative medium, which is the period since the patient passes to plant and until it is discharged. During this time will continue to control the vital signs but in a way more spaced. Are also monitored the patient’s temperature as well as the evolution of the resulting wound of the operation.

Will be necessary at this time gradually restore intestinal transit restarting food by mouth, starting with a liquid diet rich in salts and carbohydrates, as juices of fruits and vegetable broth in few amounts but with some frequency. Later will be gradually changed to food semi-liquid as skimmed milk, yogurt, purees, cereal meal or soups, to regain normal bowel.

Kalipedia; INFOMED Guiamedica

Tags: meet postoperative, post-operative doubts, surgical interventions, fear operations