Prescribed bisphosphonates before interventions extend twice the life of hip and knee prostheses.

-a study by a researcher of the IDIAP in Britain shows that generic prescribed to prevent bone fractures, lengthens the life of the prosthetic knee and hip. The results of the study have been published in the journal BMJ

Spain, February 2012.- the study has been made on a population of 41,000 patients who were operated prosthetic hip or knee between 1986 and 2006 in Britain. Of these patients were identified almost 2,000 that had been treated with bisphosphonates (initially generic to prevent fragile bone fractures). The survival of prostheses in these users was significantly superior to users who had not been treated with this generic principle. In fact, the study shows that the average survival of the prosthesis is almost double for those patients who have been early with bisphosphonates for 6 months prior to the intervention or after it.

Dani Prieto, researcher of the IDIAP, that has been scholarship working on biomedical research unit on muscle-skeletal diseases at the University of Oxford, says that “these results are extrapola-bles people here”.

What is new in the study is that currently patients which should be subjected to an intervention of prosthesis and / or hip are not being treated pharmacologically with bisphosphonates. Doing so, it seems that it would give very good results.

what is the IDIAP?

The Foundation Jordi Gol i Gurina was created in 1996 by the Catalan Health Institute, with the aim of promoting and managing innovation, training, teaching and research clinical, epidemiological and health services in the field of primary health care.

2006, Became the Institute for research in primary care Jordi Gol (IDIAP Jordi Gol), and 2010 admits to the UAB as a University Institute of research in primary care.

From August 2011 has the quality certification ISO 9001: 2008 for its support and advisory activities to project research.