prostate cancer, on Wednesday in the classroom of health of the Hospital Viamed Santa Angela de la Cruz

Time: 19.00 h.
Place: Centre Cajasol (w/ Shelob, 4).

-the talk will be given by the team of Urology of the Hospital Viamed Santa Angela of the cross of Seville by doctors Manuel Gutiérrez, José Luis Moyano and Antonio Ortiz and moderated by the Dr. José María Arribas.

– there will be a wake-up call to prevention for early diagnosis and the presence of a patient who will tell their testimony will be staff.

-tests for screening or selective screening and early detection have managed to reduce mortality from this tumor.

Seville, 2011-October Prostate cancer is the most common tumor in the male population and the second cause of mortality in the male. The incidence rate has doubled in 20 years; However, improvements in the diagnosis and treatment have declined so remarkable rate of mortality and today the possibilities of cure of cancer detected in time are virtually 100% ”.

All these data will be displayed today Wednesday, day 19, the Conference of the classroom of health organised by the Hospital Viamed Santa Angela de la Cruz of Seville and the Cajasol Foundation. Under the title the prostate cancer, sword of Damocles over man? ”, the Bureau will deal with prostate cancer from several aspects: symptoms, diagnosis, and the different possibilities of treatment; as well as recommendations to try to prevent this disease which constitutes one of the most significant health threats of developed societies.

The talk will be given by the team of Urology of the Hospital Viamed Santa Angela of the cross of Seville, the doctors Manuel Gutiérrez, José Luis Moyano, Antonio Ortiz and José María Arribas, who will try to give to attendees, in a tone simple and close, information and guidelines for help on how to detect early and properly treated cancer of prostate. It will also, with the presence of a patient who will tell their personal testimony.

Says Dr. José María Arribas, Spain prostate cancer incidence rate is 77 cases per 100,000 men; Double that for twenty years. This explains why now diagnosed much more than before. Tests for screening or selective screening for men over age 50, who flock to the urologist on a voluntary basis or referred by the family doctor, have achieved an early diagnosis is carried out and reduce mortality from this tumor ”. In this sense warns that after 50 years, the probability of having prostate cancer increases and more than 80% of all prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men older than 65 years ”.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Doctor José María Arribas points out that many men who develop prostate cancer usually do not have symptoms at first. It is a silent tumor that begins to give symptoms when is more advanced ”. Therefore stresses the importance of early diagnosis, as if caught in time, in its early stages and when it is located, ” the cure rate is virtually 100%. 25 Years ago, between 60 and 65% of patients arriving in consultation with a prostate cancer had no possibility of healing ”.

Detection of this type cancer is very simple. It is diagnosed with a simple blood test, where the tumor marker PSA (prostate specific antigen) is valued. When the PSA level is high, proceeds to perform another type of evidence to confirm or not the presence of the disease, such as guided prostate biopsy, consistent – explains Dr. Arribas – perform an ultrasound of the prostate through the anus and take the same samples for analysis, which will indicate if there is cancer, to apply the most effective treatment ”.

The next and final Conference until the end of the year will take place on 16 November with the title: importance of children’s health to the health of the adult ”, given by specialists in the service of Pediatrics and of the unity of genetics of the Hospital Viamed Santa Angela de la Cruzthe doctors Fernando Ferreira, Francisco Jiménez and Antonio González-Meneses.