Returns quiet: Nervikan to return to the job.

Nervikan helps us to overcome the syndrome Postvacacional.

Tarragona, July of 2012. The return of holidays is a hard change that hard to adapt. The tranquility and freedom left step to obligations, the routine, schedules, and nerves. Laboratories DHU Ibérica recalls that Nervikan with extract of Valerian root and lemon balm leaves, effectively acts on States of nervousness and facilitates the reconciliation of sleep.

The return to work means a time of stress, which often is not easy to carry. We need a period of adjustment schedules, responsibilities and obligations. In addition we must confront all the issues have been opened during the summer. This implies a high level of stress and fatigue that makes us a single desire: the arrival of the weekend. At the same time, the return to work coincides with the back to school, and a series of commitments that just producing nerves and sense of feel outnumbered. The return to the place of residence and everyday life must not result in heavy experience.

Necesitamos un periodo de adaptación a la vida laboral y familiar. And it sometimes costs. In this sense, thanks to its soothing effects, Nervikan brings a feeling of well-being during the day and an improvement in the quality of life.

In addition, living day to day with greater peace of mind helps to fall asleep more quickly. I.e. a treatment with Nervikan reduces the average time to fall asleep, which is essential in order to rest and adapt the obligations of work and day to day especially after enjoying a more than deserved vacation, Nervikan will help us adapt to the daily rhythm.

Take advantage of your free time

The holidays are over and now it the time to overcome the post-holiday stress and everything that entails the return to normalcy. If we feel nervous and overwhelmed by the return to work and the volume of the same, it is advisable to start with a treatment of three tablets a day of Nervikan. combining this effective fitofarmaco with an increase of the rest the last days of vacation, take it easy, ask ourselves new challengesrecognize our own achievements, and even organize a weekend getaway or meet with friends some evenings after work, will make our return to the routine much more calm and relaxed.

Prevents depression and the negativity

If you are a negative person, and that everything is a mountain, you run greater risk of suffering the post-holiday syndrome. Try to stay in balance, know that there is always high moments and moments low plan you good things and not let nerves and stress you overcome.

Get help by Nervikan. relax with Nervikan.

Nervikan, extract of Valeriana officinalis and Melissa officinalis, sold at pharmacies (approximately € 8.78 PVP) helps in the treatment of temporary States of nervousness and difficulty sleeping of nervous origin.

Visit nopierdaslosnervios for the latest Nervikan.