The clinical organizes the multidisciplinary course I of echocardiography-Doppler.

applied to the cardiovascular critical patient.

Madrid, July 2012.- provide a theoretical and practical training of Doppler echocardiography diagnosis in critically ill patients cardiovascular, is the aim of the course that this field has organized the Institute of Cardiovascular Clinical Hospital San Carlos, directed especially to health professionals interested in the management of this technique and taught by medical dexmedetomidine and cardiologists with expertise in the usen of echocardiography in clinical routine.

The development of diagnostic techniques based on ultrasound has suffered a spectacular development in recent years, who joined the greater accessibility of echocardiography equipment, has created a new healthcare scenario in which no cardiologist doctor requires having knowledge of this technique to improve its use in patients.

Coordinated by the doctors Ivan Nunez-gil, Leopoldo Pérez de Isla, and Miguel Angel García-Fernández, all of the aforementioned Cardiovascular Institute, is eminently practical, so that attendees can have a broad vision, objective and real possibilities that echocardiography-Doppler can offer in their daily work.

Los doctores Leopoldo Pérez Isla, Iván Núñez-Gil y Miguel Ángel García-Fernández, todos ellos del citado Instituto Cardiovascular del Hospital Clínico San Carlos, organizadores del Curso

La parte teórica se divide en dos grandes bloques. The first focuses on the fundamentals and technical overview of the transtoracicas and transesofagicas echocardiography in critical care units, as well as studies heart valve and anatomical and hemodynamic aspects. The second part focuses on echocardiography in the critically ill patient affected by different diseases such as ischemic heart disease, valvular disease, aortic syndrome, endocarditis, sepsis, or pericardial effusion.

The workshops are developed in the laboratory echocardiography and coronary ICU, where participants in small groups, can familiarize with computers of echocardiography, including new portable devices, both in Windows transtoracicas such as transesofagicas, where may carry out studies, supervised by experts. The practical part is completed with presentations-demo equipment for echocardiography, exhibitions and discussion of clinical cases of interest.

Technique in continuous development

The diagnostic study through echocardiography – Doppler has acquired in recent years an extraordinary importance in heart morphological and functional study, both healthy people and those with heart disease. This is due to this technique, which is based on the emission and reception of ultrasonic, presents considerable advantages over other diagnostic procedures.

An essential aspect of this technique is that it is harmless, since there are no known harmful effects on the body of the application of ultrasound in the range of frequencies used for the diagnostic ultrasound. Another important aspect is that the transmitter-receiver can be placed outside the body giving it a character non-invasive. All this makes an ideal technique for the screening and diagnosis of cardiac disorders, as well as for monitoring and temporary control of cardiac disorders evolutionary.