Laboratories Quinton organizes a seminar on the use of sea water in therapeutic.

company Alicante showed professionals of the health benefits and multiple applications of sea water can provide.

Madrid, October 2011.- The last Saturday, October 15, Quinton laboratories organized a training seminar on the sea water in therapeutic intended for health professionals.

The event, held at its facilities in Cox (Alicante), had as central axis nutrition genetics and cellular and immunological activity. There, health specialists explained own experiences in the treatment of diseases with Quinton therapy marine.

Attendees were able to discover first-hand the process of elaboration of Quinton products in a guided tour of the facilities. It’s the first day with the option to visit organized laboratories since his move to Cox. The new plant has the latest technology in the field of pharmaceutical laboratory specialist in the manufacture of marine products.

Coordinated and moderated by Dr. Bartolomé Beltrán, Director of the medical service and prevention of Antena 3, Onda Cero, the day featured medical specialists of renown, such as the doctors more and remedies Querubina Meroño; the medical director of laboratories Quinton, Dr. Marco Francisco Payá and the Technical Director, D. Juan Alberola, among others.

The director of the Laboratoires Quinton, D. Francisco Javier Coll, was commissioned to inaugurate the day and the first to speak with his presentation “sea water: information and genetic nutrition.” “Regulatory Antiaging”. It explained the recent progress made in research on the marine therapy with Quinton, and can prove scientifically the benefits that offers us the seawater treated with the original Protocol of René Quinton.

Francisco Javier Coll. Director General of laboratories Quinton says “This seminar allows us to show the professionals of the health benefits and multiple applications that of sea water can provide, as well as introduce practical cases that contribute to its good to do their work”. “In addition, this year we have been very proud to present the new facilities, equipped with the latest technology in the field of pharmaceutical”

About laboratories Quinton

Quinton laboratories are a few pharmaceutical companies dedicated to the preparation of water of sea microfiltrada in cold direct heirs of the biologist and French physiologist René Quinton, this laboratory is distinguished by scrupulously follow the original method of its founder, who has been able to update according to the European Pharmacopoeia. They are at the disposal of the professionals in the area of health or the public in general to satisfy his desire for knowledge of therapeutic marine and specialty Quinton. use

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