The Spaniards complaining of back pain at work, over other diseases.

Spain, 2011-September according to a study on the impact of diseases of occupational origin in Spain, diseases which most complain the Spanish at work are, first of all back pain, badly affecting the 25 ’ 8% of men and 21.3 per cent of women. Followed closely the muscle pain with a 23.4% in men and 20% in women. After this, the pathology suffer most Spaniards working is overall fatigue, with 23% of males and 19.1 per cent of women. Work-related stress, suffering the 22.9 per cent of men and women 20.3 lies in fourth position.

Instead the pathologies that cause less occupational diseases are heart problems, making it a 2.6% of the time in men and 1.3 per cent of women. Allergies are the second of the less serious, causing work this disease at 3.9 per cent of males and 3.7 per cent of women, while other problems that tend to suffer from workers to perform their work are: anxiety, irritability, or sleep problems but in one much smaller proportion than back pain or muscle pain.

In the event that one of these diseases will cause serious anatomical or functional cuts that reduce or annul the working capacity of the worker, the person is entitled to a permanent disability pension. To achieve this it is essential to put in the hands of specialists. Cabinet technical medical legal is the only medical and legal Center of Spain specializes in pensions, social security and compensation, and has more than 35 years of experience in the processing of these pensions.

An assessment of medical initial, which is deemed damage and functional limitations, and at the same time, the degree of disability is set to claim, is the key to get rid of this evil.