We invite all oral health professionals to have their clinical cases published on the dental Magazine. We accept works of all specialties of dentistry. 

publishing Standards section clinical case of dental Magazine has as objective the dissemination of technical and scientific works produced by General clinical and/or experts of different dental areas.

we would like to be able to count on Brazilian original works produced by dentists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and doctors, to disclose this material at the national level through the printed magazine and the website:. odontomagazine.br


papers must meet the following standards:

    • Be sent accompanied by a compulsory authorization for publication on dental Magazine, signed by all the authors of the article. In the case of group work, at least one of the authors must be dental surgeon. This authorisation shall also give permission to the editor of dental Magazine to adapt the graphics requirements of the journal article or journalistic regulations into force.
    • the text and proper authorization should be sent to the e-mail: vanessa.navarro@vpgroup.br. The images need to be forwarded from the text, in jpg format and in high resolution. We ask, if possible, that the article be good for at least three and a maximum of 30 images. The captions of the images should be indicated at the end of the text in word. It is necessary to send a photo of the main author of the work.
    • the text should follow the following formatting: spacing between lines simple; arial or times roman size 12 news. The possible tables and/or graphs must have title, and citation in the text. The references, when available, must be in the Vancouver style.
    • If it is necessary the use of acronyms and abbreviations, they should be preceded, in the first time, the name own.
    • at work shall include: the name (s), address(es), phone number (s) and functions that it exercises (m), an institution to which it belongs (m), titles, and professional training of the author or authors. If the work refers to a public presentation, it should be mentioned the name, date and place of the event.
    • is exclusive competence of the Scientific Council approval for publishing or editing of the text in the magazine or on the website


  • The submissions and not published will be returned to the authors, with justification of the Scientific Council.
  • the content of articles is the sole responsibility of the author (res). The published works will have their copyright and may only be reproduced with permission of the VP Group/dental Magazine.
  • Each article author will receive copy of the magazine in which his work was published.
  • at the end of the article, add contacts to all authors: full name, address, neighborhood, city, State, zip, phone and email.


more information: Vanessa Navarro – editor of dental Magazine –




dental Magazine the dental Magazine presents the oral health professional clinical cases developed by renowned professionals, updated news, market news, columns by experts, interviews with notable dentists from all areas, courses, reports on the themes highlighted in class, the views of professionals on the current issues behind the scenes, dental , journalistic coverage of the events of great relevance in the industry, as well as valuable tips on managing in dentistry.

the distribution of the journal is free and covers the entire national territory, including clinics, dental offices, universities, associations and other institutions in the sector. More information about the journal may be obtained through the portal:. odontomagazine.br