Communicated to the media of the Spanish society of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic (SECPRE)

Madrid, February 2013.- Faced with constant and disturbing practice of aesthetic surgery by doctors who do not possess the official degree of plastic surgeon, aesthetic and repair, the SECPRE wants to clarify that:

-cosmetic surgery specialists have to exercise it only in plastic surgeryCosmetic and reparative. Cosmetic surgery is one facet of the scope that corresponds to the doctors who hold the official title of specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery ”, according to the Court Supreme 07/15/05.

-The specialty of plastic surgery, cosmetic and Reconstructive is a title of specialist Officer (5 years of duration MIR).

-cosmetic surgeon is equivalent to surgeon-plastic, aesthetic and restorative, since it is part of your degree.

-this specialty regulated is not equivalent to coursesmaster or workshops of cosmetic surgery, since these do not provide training, training or duration sufficient for the qualification in plastic surgery, cosmetic and Reconstructive. The performance of any of these courses does not provide the degree nor the knowledge necessary to practice as a plastic surgeon or cosmetic.

-patients who undergo an operation of cosmetic surgery with a doctor who does not possess the official degree of plastic surgeryCosmetic and reparative are getting in the hands of a professional not legally accredited.

– from the SECPRE is recommended to all patients who are planning to undergo a cosmetic surgery operation required to the doctor the official title of specialist in plastic surgeryAesthetic and reparative, as it is the only way to guarantee that you will be treated by a professional trained.

-La SECPRE and members appreciate the immense informative effort that the media in the field of cosmetic surgery. It also shows the best provisions to offer proven and reliable information of this medical specialty.