Remedies burning of stomach. It is very common at this time, that comes to mind this. That is why we bring you some effective remedies against the burning of stomach

The first thing is to learn that we should eat five times a day, in moderate amounts, thus not we are overloading the stomach and the level of acidity will decline considerably. If we overloading the stomach, we will only achieve slower digestion. eat too many sugar is something that will also affect greatly the acidity that we are going to have in the stomach, it slows down digestion greatly and makes food more mouldy in the stomach and thereby increase the proliferation of acids in the stomach.

As remedy for the acidity of stomach recommend tea consumption, such as Chamomile, tea, peppermint Pennyroyal, fennel or dill. That will make the digestion more easy and will help you lower the acidity.

Viton Vitadelia

Tags: acidity of stomach, heartburn remedies