Mentioned as you can to eliminate women’s facial hair or at least prevent and apaliar a bit with the use of natural supplements. Now comes the turn to comment on what are the medical or aesthetic treatments to eliminate these so unsightly hairs of the face.

• Electrolysis: in this procedure the hair follicles are destroyed from the root, we must insist on several sessions to see the result. But the possibilities of completely preventing the growth of the hair are very high. Treatment is expensive.

• Exfoliate the face with despigmentantes for facial damage, they do weaken the hair follicles and hair growth is delayed, is a painful procedure, but some dermatologists do so with much success.

• Facial hair can be removed with laser. The hair follicle is destroyed with heat generated by the laser. It is almost a permanent method of removal of facial hair. It is carried out by a dermatologist and a method quite costly.

• Shaving with a razor is another temporary method for removing facial hair in women. Although it is still painful it is easy to do from home

• Wax with wax method, perhaps the treatment is cheap and easy to use. And many women that passed a band of wax every month the moustache area. It will start the root hairs and they take a meso or two out of new