Requena’s the Department of health presents the implementation underway code infarction their professionals.

-the new protocol manages to optimize and reduce healthcare

Requena, 2013 February.- El Departamento de salud de Requena Llíria presented last Wednesday to their professional implementation underway of the so-called code infarction ”, a new protocol that has begun to be applied in the Department in patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction with elevation ST (STEACS).

During the presentation, carried out by physicians of Cardiology, ICU, emergency and primary care management services, have presented to practitioners, staff nurses and resident doctors: the characteristics of the new program.

the outstanding objectives of the new Protocol, running, include optimization and reduced health care times, so the transfer to perform primary coronary angioplasty in the reference hospital is less than two hours.

Want staff to know the procedure to follow and the established protocols to ensure that our patients reach the reference hospital in the shortest possible time ”, says Marisa de Reynoso, Manager of the Department of health of Requena.

In addition, in order to avoid delays since the arrival of the patient to the hospital until his diagnosis, has been developed a care circuit with the aim of coordinating the Emergency Department, intensive medicine service, and the CICU.