Saffron aphrodisiacs food? Nutrition experts certify that there are some who manage to stimulate our sex drive and amaze you, we do not mean the typical and topics oysters and chocolate. Want to know what?A Canadian University scientists have investigated which are real aphrodisiacs food properties and have come to the conclusion that the most interesting to improve our sexuality are ginseng and saffron, garlic and clove also help to stimulate us. Especially important is the role of the saffron that allegedly has sustained effect to stimulate momentum and sexual performance. Interestingly it has been shown that chocolate and alcohol, two products with a reputation for exciting sex, they have no aphrodisiac effect. It is true that the levels of serotonin and endorphins of chocolate are high and this makes us feel good, but this is not linked in any way to sexual arousal. On the other hand, alcohol can inhibitions us our erotic desires more hidden our desire to increase but at no time stimulates our sexual performance, but on the contrary: it hinders. begins to think about replacing your gintonic with a delicatessen containing saffron and notice the change! 20 minutes home garden

Tags: aphrodisiacs foods, ginseng benefits, saffron properties