Sanitas hospital and new services launches genetic Test, the latest diagnostic tests and prevention.

-Sanitas health services division expands portfolio with the launch of genetic Test

-These tests are at the forefront in the diagnosis of hereditary diseases and assessing the vulnerability of a patient before certain pathologies

Madrid, January of 2013- advances in genetics allow the development of diagnostic tests for assessing the predisposition of a patient to certain hereditary diseases. Sanitas hospital and new services has launched the genetic tests to promote the prevention of pathologies of genetic nature. This project began with the marketing of these diagnostic tests in Madrid and Barcelona. In the coming months this Assistential offer will progressively take the rest of the national territory.

Diseases with a high incidence among the population as obesity or heart disease, have a high hereditary component that can be studied using the genetic Test. If the patient knows their likelihood of developing a disease, can be offered preventive measures to stay healthy or to make an early diagnosis ”, explains Dr Izquierdo, head of service of Genetics the Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela.

Hereditary diseases are classified into monogeneticas and poligeneticas. According to Dr Izquierdo, more than 6,000 different types of monogeneticas diseases are known and affect one in every 200 births. Polygenetic diseases-related cases have one higher incidence and are produced by the combination of mutations of several genes and environmental factors.

For these tests, it is necessary to take a patient sample containing its genetic material, such as blood or saliva. An analysis of DNA, RNA, protein and metabolic processes of the patient shall later to detect any anomaly that denote the presence of a hereditary disease.

Genetic types of Test

Sanitas hospital and new services makes available to all persons, whether or not a health insurance, a wide range of genetic tests that will study the predisposition to suffer from certain diseases:

-cancer genetic Test: prostate, colon and breast
macular degeneration genetic Test

-Test genetic glaucoma

-genetic Test of predisposition to obesity

-genetic Test of cardiovascular risk

-Maternal serum fetal sex determination

-genetic paternity Test

-genetic fingerprint

one of the advantages offered by Sanitas is the packaging of the service, so that the customer pays a price closed by extractionanalysis, results and the necessary interpretation consultations with specialist.

In addition, extractions and medical consultations are performed in hospitals and centers doctors Milenium of Sanitas to offer a higher quality of care.