The Rioja Government President, Pedro Sanz, said this morning that, in the case of the provision of health services to the neighbouring communities, economic resources “may not come from the State, but that it has to come from the autonomous community which gives the provision of services to another, because if it will not be the State paying twice, and the Spaniards we will be paying twice””, and a community will take advantage of another.”

Sanz has responded in this way to journalists after his meeting with mayors from the area of Cameros, when questioned by No proposition of law, presented by the Socialist parliamentary group in the Congress that calls on the Government to resolve the health care to patients resident in border areas, claiming to do so a system whereby the economic compensation of the autonomous communities to assume these costs.

The head of the Executive of La Rioja has exclamado “A good hours green sleeves!”, to then point out that “with everything that have said us that now the PSOE will assume the thesis of the President of the Government of La Rioja no longer a satisfaction for me, after what I have said”.

“Tell now that La Rioja should compensate if it provides services, seems to me extraordinary”, he added.


On the other hand, Sanz asked by the meeting of the plenary of the Council Interterritorial of the national system of health (CISNS), has highlighted as “positive” the issue which becomes a single vaccination at the national level, as well as a single health card.

Also pointed out that a Commission will prepare a portfolio of services that “all Spaniards, wherever they may be, have a right to these same basic services throughout the national territory”, which means “a breakthrough, because until now could cause distortions of a citizen according to where lived”.

Finally, Sanz has indicated that he was not addressed health compensation of neighbouring communities.