Savory savory is a popular aromatic plant which also has interesting medicinal properties. Known for centuries, is usually used in the preparation of many dishes, and is also perfect for growing in the garden, plant in its domestic variety (Satureja hortensis).

This plant possess properties to whet the appetite, and is also a potent remedy to stop the diarrhea.To possess phenolic acids in their composition, they bestow an interesting antiseptic effect which prevents infections. For this reason it is perfect for healing wounds, if applies so topical.

its healing action is also suitable for wounds, applied always externally. If the add to dishes or the consume infusion, its effects will help to relieve gastrointestinal spasms, stomach pain, and even the lack of appetite.

Anyway, whether applied topically as if ingested, always have to start managing it dose very low and go up after the number, to avoid the risk rashes on the skin.

To prepare an infusion of savory, must use a teaspoon of savory leaves dry and desmenuzadas for each cup of boiling water that we are going to prepare. A glass of tea after a meal will be enough to enjoy its beneficial effects.

In the kitchen is an plant with intense aroma that is especially tasty dishes of vegetables, green beans earn much if we aderezamos them with savory. As digestion, it is good idea add to stews of beans, cabbage, cabbage or cauliflower, avoiding annoying gases and heavy digestions.

Tags: plants, medicinal plants, savory properties, natural remedies