Scientific installations will be more accessible.

thanks to an agreement signed between Fundación ONCE and Foundation MAITE.

-both entities work together through the Spanish network of laboratories sustainable

-MAITE Foundation, Adelmo Antelo, President and CEO of Fundación ONCE, José Luis Martínez Donoso, have signed the Convention

Madrid, January 2012.- Fundación MAITE (environment)(, Innovation and technology) and ONCE Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement to achieve scientific facilities of universities and businesses to be accessible to persons with disabilities.

MAITE Foundation, Adelmo Antelo, President and CEO of Fundación ONCE, José Luis Martínez Donoso, have been responsible for signing this agreement whose aim is that the needs and functional requirements of persons with disabilities are taken into account in dealing with the definitionimplementation and improvement of a model of sustainable laboratory.

The agreement regulates the cooperation between the parties through the Spanish network of laboratories sustainable activities that it carried out at national and international levels, as well as the development of programmes and projects. In addition, through the signing of the agreement, Fundación ONCE participate in the Spanish network of sustainable laboratories as an observer, providing your expert criteria as reference entity in the field of disability.

from left to right: Adelmo Antelo and José Luis Martínez Donoso.

As explained the proponents of the agreement after the signing, it’s that laboratories are friendly and accessible environments ” for persons with disabilities. Need to ensure that they are also accessible and sustainable ”, has said Fefa Alvarez, head of the accessibility area of Fundación ONCE. To achieve this goal, added José Luis Martínez Donoso, this agreement is the first step, which will then take its content and that should give continuity ”.

The horizon is exciting ”, has pointed out in this regard Adelmo Antelo, who has stressed that achieving a sustainable laboratory model is not anything other than achieve a balance between social, economic and environmental ”.

As he collects the text, is define and drive a reference model of laboratory sustainable, adapted to each type of laboratory, based on the conditions of safety, environmental and aspects in the quality standards necessary for the optimization of resources and the well-being and satisfaction for all usersincluding those with disabilities.

This is planned to establish a forum for discussion, exchange of knowledge and dissemination of results, allowing also to develop mechanisms for the continuous improvement of the model and its application. participate in the working groups of the platforms on sustainable laboratories exist or can be created at the international level and agreements signed with the MAITE Foundation.

Fundación ONCE will also make available Foundation MAITE your expert criteria as reference entity of the sector of disability and its information and advisory services in all matters relating to training, the labour integration of persons with disabilities and universal accessibility.